25: Farewell to the "young" in "young adult"
Tomorrow I turn 25. Somewhere between college, a dog, a marriage, the start of my career, a few thousand laughs, and some beautifully cultivated relationships, something terrible happened. I'm almost never late, but in this instance I lost track of time. The only statement that comes to mind is, "what the fuck?". Not very literature worthy, I'm aware. I would say that this is a quarter life crisis, but the chances of me living to 100 are slim. depressing. I'm half way to 50. sickening. Young Adult: 18 – 24 years of age. Bye Felicia. The inevitability of my birthday has left me a little consumed. It’s been two years since I graduated college and seven since I graduated high school. Actors and actresses and singers and boy bands and celebrities are younger than I am. When did that happen? My life played out like some dusty photo album on the coffee table. Tomorrow will mark the start o...