
Showing posts from August, 2012

Discovering the ocean

Once you’ve discovered your passion (so we are told) your life will become drenched in meaning and purpose. When you know what your life is about, you can face each morning with energy and vigor. You’ll no longer procrastinate. All your bad habits will fall away. Not even rainy days or Mondays will get you down. So we are told. For a long time, I believed my passion would strike me in a moment of inspiration, like a bolt of lightning. My passion would descend from the heavens in a blaze of glory, and I would suddenly know the purpose of my life. A booming Hollywood trailer voiceover would tell me exactly what I should be doing and when. From that moment, my life would have meaning and my problems would disappear. I know I am going to be a nurse, this is certain (given I don't screw up too bad in school), but life is much more than a job. I wanted a purposeful, passionate epiphany - STAT. I also believed I should be able to call down the lightning bolt of pass