
Showing posts from March, 2013

Dear 13 year old Liz...

Sometimes when I am feeling like I need to write, for whatever reason, I think of things that can impact others. This post is slightly different. Recently I read an article about "writing to yourself, for yourself". The idea is that writing to a younger version (you pick the age, usually young teen years) of yourself can stimulate a sense of understanding and control in ones life. Here it goes. Dear 13 year old  Liz, I am 22 and I am you. Yes, you make it through this awkward stage of being severely taller than EVERYONE in your class. That awful bang trim you gave yourself does grow back. You also never really learn to whistle or cook.   Here are some points you should understand well. On education: This is something that is currently the most important thing to me (older you). Currently you are going to school because you are required to. You do enjoy learning-even if waking up in the morning is tough sometimes. Your thirst for knowledge doesn't go away. You wil